Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The tube or youtube...

When at home my choice is usually do I watch TV or do I watch something on youtube. Inevitably it is usually a TV show that I catch up with on youtube.. (as suggested by the Stephen Fry clip in week 1) My first choice is usually youtube, although I like that Google is not restricted to 10 mins.

I noticed that google video listed both youtube and their own videos when doing the example searches for lego etc. I think this is a recent development when Google bought Youtube, as a year or so ago I remember google videos being only google videos. I particularly like that author talks at libraries are available, and would like to post many of our events on there, if we had the resources that is... I often would like to go to the author talks at Mosman and other libraries, but because I am usually at work here, don't get the chance. Online videos give me the opportunity as though I was actually there.

All the DIY and information videos is something I have recently discovered on youtube. I think libraries can take advantage of this and instead of giving someone a 2 dimensional book on creating something, they could have a real-time instructional video, or at least supplement this with the book.

Instead of embedding a library related video, I have decided to continue my Peruvian theme and show this short clip of exactly what I will be doing, seeing and feeling in 6 months time....

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